We monitor everything moving at human speed
Stratospheric autonomous pseudo-satellite for infrastructures, natural disasters and traffic real time monitoring, defence, testing and telecom

Our last
streamed mission
June 20th, 2024
If you have found one of our balloons, a probe or a landing platform
Se avete trovato uno dei nostri palloni stratosferici, una sonda o una piattaforma in atterraggio
Call immediately +39 031 668 0373 - Extension 1
Chiamare immediatamente +39 031 668 0373 - Interno 1
We are part of

ESA Business Incubation Centres are the largest network of incubators supporting space related start-ups in Europe. The objective is to support entrepreneurs with a space-based business idea and to help clusters of space-related start-ups across Europe. We are working with ESA and ASI in ESA BIC Lazio.

Innovation and sustainability
A stratospheric balloon lifting various payloads is the backbone of our zero-emission service. An entirely reusable operational structure inspired by the principles of circular economy that surpass 99,5 % of the atmosphere, reaching the stratosphere using lighter-than-air-gas.
Experience the revolution of the New Space Economy.
With our technology and the implementation of artificial intelligence, we will be able to attack the market segment of Earth Observation.
Discover how to get onboard.
Latest news at Involve Space

Jonathan speaks at RAI
Your career at Involve Space
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