Pseudo-satellite platform with an high-tech probe and a stratospheric balloon for aerospace missions for testing, Earth observation, atmospheric research and telecommunications.
Fly with us
We are a leading company in Europe to offer dedicated missions targeting the High Altitude Platforms (HAPS) market. After analyzing its viability, we can offer our clients the flexibility to select an altitude range, the duration of the test and the payload mass to fullfill the objectives of the project.
Some key data
Successfull launches in the last 2 years
Different payloads elevated
Flights hours
A vehicle for different purposes.
Designed to meet high aerodynamic and safety standards, our probe is the perfect vector to carry a payload up to the stratosphere. Modular and adaptable to different payload configurations to suit to objectives and purposes of the specific aerospace mission, it collects and transmit real-time data and high-quality images.

No polluting propulsion system, only helium gas.
A zero-pressure balloon is at the heart of our operations. The use of green energy sources allow us to lift payloads in a completely sustainable way reaching the stratosphere and conducting activities above the controlled airspace, in the near-space.

An AI software that controls the probe.
Our software is based on neural networks that support real-time attitude control of various aerospace technologies (with a particular focus on satellites and pseudosatellites) through the calculation of trajectories in minimal time.

One probe, many good features
Low Costs
Stratospheric platforms offer a more cost-effective alternative to satellite technologies.
High quality data
Stratostats can provide high-quality data transmission.
Our platform can provide constant and continuous coverage for monitoring specific areas or situations.
Station keeping
With the help of machine learning, Stratostats can be controlled for a station-keeping radius.
Longer flight times
Stratospheric platform can stay airborne for longer times, potentially several months.
Mission Customization
Stratostats can be customized to meet specific mission requirements.
AI Systems
Stratostats is integrated with artificial intelligence system that enable to perform specific tasks.
No polluting
Our probe utilize renewable energy sources like solar power and the balloon propellant is just helium or hydrogen.
Services and applications

New, innovative ways to observe and protect our planet
Resolution: 1m/pixel ground sampling distance (5x higher resolution than satellite imagery)
Flying five times closer to Earth than a satellite, capturing high-resolution imagery with much greater detail. We can be station-keeping, while satellites only fly over the area at the same time every day.

Using optical, infrared, radar, multispectral cameras we can do these activities
Test nano or picosatellites, their components or materials, as well as EDL (Entry, Descent, Landing) missions.

Atmospheric Research
Atmospheric Research
Atmospheric Research
A module of our probe for real time acquiring important data on the composition and pollution of the Earth’s atmosphere, collecting data to identify, monitor and measure the environmental impacts of climate change.
Some block-chain protected data
TemperaturePressureHumidityGas concentrasionAir pollutionCO2IlluminanceNoise levelElectromagnetism
Communication support for launchers and satellites missions.
Soon to come: Expand internet connectivity to improve network resilience with balloon constellation.

On average, one of our aerospace launches lasts around 8 hours from take-off to landing. However this is not a fixed figure as it is strongly influenced by the purpose of the mission, so it depends on your requirements.
There are two cases in which we absolutely avoid operating: during adverse weather conditions (e.g., rain, snow, particularly strong winds) or in the case where the launch trajectory is particularly unfavorable (e.g., landing in inaccessible or hard-to-reach areas)
No, for two reasons. The data collected during the mission are transmitted in real time to Earth, and the entire path of the probe is constantly monitored thanks to the on-board computer.
Yes, in addition to launch authorization, the entire mission is covered by an insurance that protect both our platform Stratostats and your payload from damages, crash and civil liability.
We are able to offer a ready-to-go service in very little time. However, the preparation timeframe varies based on the mission to be accomplished, the implementation of the systems, and the implementation of supports needed to host your payload.